OBSESSED: Dr Marten Chelsea Boots


TOTALLY OBSESSED with these Dr. Marten Cherry Red Arcadia Chelsea Boots. The Cherry Red Arcadia are my faves but I also love them in the Smooth Black and Gaucho Crazy Horse (rugged work boot brown) colors. I don’t hate them in the classic Dr Marten Cherry Red Smooth Color but they just don’t do anything for me and I really don’t like them in the Navy Arcadia at all because it’s patent. The Cherry Red Arcadia are beautiful and classic and I think they’ll age really well and I can wear them all year round really. I am getting a pair of these, in this exact color, very soon courtesy of my mom LOL (love her!)

Going’s On

1. Drawing: I’ve been working on my drawing. I’m still a very remedial artist LOL. But I want this to happen. I want to be able to draw my fashion creations. Having my own line of handbags is very important to me. It’s very important to be able to draw what you want to be made before you can send it off to be made. The people making it need a visual lol. I want to be able to draw out the creations that I come up with and I also want to learn how to use photoshop and illustrator. Right now my plan is to draw everyday and go slow and keep going no matter how frustrated I get. I do see that the slower I go the less frustrated that I get.

2. Nursing: Still doing pre-reqs. This semester was hard. My GPA took a MAJOR hit! I’ll be retaking the two classes I’ve done horrible in this semester past. I’ll be retaking one this semester and the other next semester but I’ll be taking three classes in all this semester: re-taking A&P I, Microbiology, and US History II AKA the GPA booster. Then I’ll be re-taking Chemistry the semester after this one coming up along with Statistics and any other classes that’ll boost my GPA. I’m also switching to a campus that is closer to my home so instead of an hour and eighteen minute commute, I’ll have a forty-five minute one by car but hopefully I’ll be having someone to at leas take me to school every morning and pick me up but if not both, I’ll hopefully have someone to at least take me to school in the mornings. Long commutes can be really hard on you. I’ve been doing the hour plus commute for almost two years now and I have to say it’s been dragging me down for A VERY LONG TIME. I love the campus that I’ve been studying on but the commute is a killer and it’s a bus stop on every corner, it ALWAYS crowded, the bus can break down and traffic be congested which makes that commute EVEN LONGER than the HOUR and 18 minutes (which I believe is more like 30 on average) it already is!! I also know that I will be spending more time at the library that is close to my home. I cannot study at my house. My father is a total pain in the ass who is always annoying me. But I do get distracted by my own stuff like surfing the net and reading everything but my textbooks. Anyway, here’s to a better Fall 2013!! I’m going to keep my head up and keep going.

3. Thinking about the future: ALWAYS! And always worrying about it.

Winter Break Happenings

The college semester officially ended a couple of days ago. Since then I haven’t been doing anything. I went to the mall one time with my mom and we visited the art store. I bought a new sketchbook, pencils, and drawing books. We didn’t get anything from the mall but we ate and enjoyed the atmosphere. I haven’t been anywhere else, partly because I’ve been tired and partly because I’ve been sick. I love school but it always brings stress and craziness. This semester was the worst though, because I had a biology class that was really hard and it also determines whether or not I can advance to Anatomy & Physiology I, which I’d already signed up for before I’d taken the final in BIO lol, in the Spring. It was just really . Last I checked I had a C in both the Lecture and Lab parts of the class. I want a B, so I hope with the final it averaged out to a B. I have serious doubts on that front, but don’t worry I just need a C to move onto A&P I. I also had four other classes to deal with. So it was a lot and I was just going and going and going, and now that I’ve finally the time to rest, I’m seeing how tired I am lol. As for my being sick, I’m lactose intolerant and have been indulging in way too much dairy. No more masochism for me!

So without further ado, here’s what I’m doing over my month and a half Winter break:

1. Practice my drawing.

When I was in about my Senior year of high school, I started sketching. Like everyone who starts out, I was not the best. I grew frustrated, not to mention busy with school, and i just stopped doing it. I regret that majorly. This time around I’m going to keep going and I’ve even bought two books that are much more basic, so that this time around I can start small instead of trying to be Picasso without knowing the basics lol. I want to learn how to draw because it’s a great way to express yourself, but I also want to one day soon open my own fashion line and accessories. I gravitate more to accessories though. I want to do shoes, jewelry, gloves, and swimwear. My being able to draw is going to be impertinent to being able to express my ideas and have others understand why i want.


2. Finish reading The Golden Compass 2 & 3 and various other books on my Nook

If my memory serves me correctly, I started reading the second book in the Golden Compass trilogy last year! LOL. It’s so pathetic that I have not finished reading both the second and third book by now. I’ve also more than five other books on my nook that I haven’t read and about 5 books in print that I’ve bought and haven’t cracked open yet.


3. So! A needle pulling thread! 🙂

I want to learn how to sew. I think it’ll be a great way to express myself once again. Sewing is actually something I’ve always expressed an interest in, since I was a young child actually but I never got around to fulfilling.


4. Not stay in the house all the time!

Over anything my plan is to not stay in the house my whole break. I have no money, but I plan to spend a lot of time at the three different B&N’s in my town. I love B&N. It’s really relaxed, you can just sit for free all day working or reading and no one cares or tries to beat you over the head for not buying anything lol. And I may not have a bunch of money but there’s always somewhere affordable to eat.

Picture of The Day: Victoria Beckham – Yummy Mummy Edition

I want to be this fashionable after four kids!!! (I once wanted four kids, though recently I’ve reevaluated that number to two with the possibility of three LOL) This pic is of her and middle son Romeo Beckham out and about in Paris, Victoria is there for a photo shoot with ELLE Magazine (that involved the Chanel store and Chanel Haute Couture, can’t wait for pics). I also love this pic because it shows that although little girls are great *cough* we rule boys drool, LOL, you can also have a little boy(s) and be able to shop for them and have them look amazing. There is no one who can say the Beckham boys don’t look amazing in whatever they wear. And of course that you can look fabulous after four kids and fashionable. (And sorry no I don’t subscribe to the set of thinking that you need millions of dollars and nannies and the like to look nice on a daily basis.)

Give me that closet, Check out that closet, I … want .. that … closet.

*said in the voice of that commercial for the Bod male fragrance spray* (If you still don’t know then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-G0vfELSRg&feature=related)

You may not be in love with her style, but I’ve yet to see anyone’s closet top hers. It’s all so gorgeous, professional, and boutique-y. There’s a room just for shoes, just for clothes, and just for lingerie, and I’m going to include the salon in this too; you need make up and hair to go a long with your great outfits and cute accessories. The rest of her apartment is fabulous too, she may not be a style icon but she’s got great taste when it comes to interior design, a killer shoe collection, and great accessories (love her jewelry).

The top pic is of her closet, it’s a shot of the other end of the closet depicted above.

The Secret World of Haute Couture

Loved this documentary. The Haute Couture side of fashion, is something we the public rarely, okay never get to see. Unless of course, we’re looking at the pictures of it on Vogue Italia. The only thing I want to say is that someone on the first part of the YouTube videos made the comment that the documentary was trying to make Fashion Week out to be snobby or something. I think this person missed the big idea that the journalist is exploring the world of Haute Couture not the world of Ready-to-Wear! Haute Couture was built on exclusivity and to tell you the truth, I think it would be rather silly to say that it wasn’t built on some snobbishness also. In France, the birth country of Haute Couture, if you wore Haute Couture you were most likely an aristocrat or royalty because those were truly the people who could afford the astronomical prices that the frocks of time past cost. It continues to this day, you may not have to be an aristocrat but you have to be filthy rich. No average Jane which is walking around in six figure frocks, they’re reserved for a select few. We do have to digress a bit, these days there are a lot of wealthy people who don’t want to be known, some who are richer than those who grace the pages of Forbes. When you get to the prices of these dresses it only makes sense that the world of Haute Couture would be a private one, seeing as the people who buy these dresses are private people. Besides Daphne Guiness I don’t know who buys Haute Couture, though I can tell you who makes it. Can you name anyone (not documented in the documentary)?

Style Icons

This is post is dedicated to all of my style icons, celebrity or not, that inspire me. I don’t know how to explain their styles exactly, nor am I going to try to. I just know that I love what I love when it comes to fashion, and I know who inspires me. These girls inspire me when it comes to fashion and I love their style, not one or two outfits but their whole style.

1. Extra Petite

2. Chriselle

3. MindyMinh

4. Nini

5. Hanh Merriam

6. Victoria Beckham.

7. Olivia Palermo